23 May 2011

Designing with a Social Conscience

Globalization: the new Imperialism

As my mind has been opened to different concepts that run in this world through my education, one of the topics that has ignited my curiosity is consumerism. This topic hits close to home because I myself know that I am a slave of consumerism as my culture has brought me up to be. Though as I dig deeper, I further realize that a whole lot of other concepts intertwine with it. I discover that it is actually one aspect affecting a greater issue which is globalization. Consumerism and commercialism are just pawns compared to globalization. Though no one can deny that it has its benefits and it does help move forward the human race, but globalization also promotes a negative impact on those who are lower down the food chain.

As the desire of humans to buy things, grow rapidly, so does the need of companies to keep up with this demand of goods and services. Thus, a never ending cycle of "more" is created. Now, as companies expand and use tactics to produce the most with the least amount spent, it is inevitable that someone will get hurt in this vicious cycle. Third world countries whom have no choice but to take on deals with these large companies to produce export processing zones, is the sad bit in all of this consumer joy. Though the hired laborers seem to be happy because they'd at least have a means to feed their families with, but they get underpaid, overworked and left without benefits.

I used children's photos in my designs because they get affected in two ways: One, is when their parents are whisked away onto work camps or relocated somewhere near the factories which leaves them without the attention, nurturing and guidance that parents provide. Two, is when the children themselves are hired in the workforce regardless of the work hazards and the low pay, just so they could help out their families survive.

Below is a list of a few companies who have export processing zones to produce their products:
Liz Claiborne
The Gap
Ralph Lauren
Calvin Klein

These business conglomerates are like bullies who take advantage of poor countries and use their desperation for their own benefit. Very much so like the concept of colonization and imperialism but in modern times with the companies representing the bigger, more powerful and richer countries.

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